Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What are Habanero Peppers?

habanero pepper
Habanero Pepper: (CC BY 2.5) Fir0002  
The habanero chili pepper is one of the hottest peppers in the world and is a very popular recipe ingredient for sauces and salsas. If you were to eat one whole, you may think that it is the hottest pepper, but in reality there may be one or two that are a little hotter. It is a variety of the species of Capsicum chinense peppers and has an intense flavor. Ripe and mature habanero's may range in colors from orange to red. Less frequently, you may find peppers in pink and brown shades.

This variety of chili peppers are from the Species "Capsicum chinense". They are typically green while unripe, and will change to various colors such as orange and red, as the chili grows and ripens. They have a Scoville heat rating range from 100,000 to 350,000 units. Needless to say, these are some of the hottest peppers in the world. Whenever you use them in your recipes, make sure to wear protective gloves to keep the oils from getting into your skin so you will not get burned. Also, when handling, make sure not to rub your face, eyes or mouth to also avoid feeling a burning pain.

Capiscum chinense varieties:
Some different pepper varieties similar to the Habanero include:

  1. Datil
  2. Hainan Yellow Lantern Chili
  3. Scotch Bonnet
  4. Trinidad Scorpion
  5. Fatalii
  6. Red Savina Pepper

The family of peppers is believed to have originated in South America and later moved up and significantly influenced Mexican cooking. The habanero chilis can be used in a number of recipes and are very versatile. Most cooks will use the peppers in salsa, hot sauces, chutneys and other spicy food dishes. They are also great when you want to kick up your favorite BBQ sauce recipe.

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